It Starts with a Dream

Pursuing Excellence

Such as having a quality management system (QMS) should never be considered “its own thing.” Instead, it should be an integrated part of everything the company does every single day. But it starts with leadership and commitment. When businesses are launched, the owners have great intentions to give the business their “all” to do their very best so that at least they could earn the first sale. This same vision should exude throughout the years and down to the lowest level of the organization. Great leaders get all of the personnel to want to do themselves whatever the company is wanting. When the leadership wants high quality ie standards then this sets the expectations all throughout.

K Of Club Close
Demonstrate Leadership And Commitment

Today, we tackle the king of clubs. We equate this card to your organization’s leadership and the commitment in taking an active role in engaging, promoting, and ensuring the communication of and monitoring the performance and effectiveness of the quality management system. In all ISO management system type Standards recent updates used more of the term leadership versus management.

The Lacking Component

The easiest but seams more difficult than it needs to be is the communications. Demonstrate improved leadership by asking yourself every morning what communications do I need to have with customers, stakeholders, peers and subordinates then have those communications. Weekly communications with all departments goes a long way. The results of effective leadership and commitment is when persons in the organization understand how they contribute to the QMS and their efforts help the organization consistently achieve the intended results. Leadership is assumed to only be the owners, president and vice presidents, but there is a leader within everyone. The internal environment created is in which people are engaged and committed to the achievement of the organization’s objectives.

Alignment Within

Every organization is different: in size, complexity and even culture. Every company will apply their quality management system in unique fashions. However, what should be consistent is the accountability taken on by any leader within the organization for the effectiveness of the quality management system. Get straight the below graphic and review daily for how recent projects, product launches or new customer activations met to the mission, quality policy and even the values of the company. If there were differences discover for yourself the immediate corrections needed. This is how the QMS is sustained and worked everyday. These provide unity across the organization. Should some of the responsibilities or authority be delegated? Overall, the onus of the quality management system’s efficacy ultimately rests on the shoulders of the leadership in order to ensure realization of the vision.

3 Key Activities on how others can accomplish this in the organization

  1. Set Clear Expectations

First, the leadership needs to look at the overall picture. As a whole, they must review what the determining factors are for your quality management system while giving due consideration to the strategic direction within context of your organization.

Given the graphic above has been established next what should be reviewed by all management are their respective procedures and past results of the internal audits. Do these support the overall planning or present well at the management review.

2.Making Sure Everyone is on the Same Page

Next, you need to ensure that your organization’s quality management system is integrated and managed within your overall business processes. Simply put, this means that your quality management system cannot be treated as an add-on by your management or your employees. When this is the mindset, management and employees can feel overwhelmed when in fact the maintaining the QMS is running the business.

Your quality management system cannot be at odds with your company’s direction, policies, objectives or procedures. Your organization should view your QMS as system in keeping to high standards.

This can be done in several ways. The most straightforward of which is to include the QMS in your employee handbook. Also, using similar language and structure for all documentation within your organization will go a long way in integrating the QMS. Reward all employees that exude living the vision of high quality.

3. Promote the Process

Finally, management should actively promote the process approach as well as risk-based thinking. In taking the overall approach of the organization into account while creating and maintaining the QMS, management is ensuring the effective interaction between processes.

There should be a systematic approach designed to achieve an effective flow of inputs and outputs. Both input and output should be measurable and should be a part of any conversation regarding the performance of the organization. Any performance conversation should also include an invitation for those interested parties to address any risk or opportunities they see within the QMS.

Overall, the QMS is a living, breathing system in your organization. Everyone has a voice, and everyone is responsible. But in order to make this an effective part of your organization’s business operations it must be set up correctly and guided by the devoted leadership. So that the entire company can live the Dream. Download the pdf and this week spend time reflecting on these or create these for your organization and watch how success skyrockets.

From the Top  Horiz Statement

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