Values as a Measurement of Company’s Character

But the Values a company will abide by are not something at first thought of when starting a business. Establishing Values of the Company are the leadership aspects of a business that can be developed into a process. Once Values are established these can be deciding factors for employees to abide by or not and may force people to leave.

The 7 quality management principles provide a unifying basis for an organization’s values and strategies. Has your Company matured to a stage to establish the values of the Company? If your company is certified to any of the ISO Standards perhaps Excellence can be the first Value to commit to?

What I discovered accidentally was that my personal values were not too far from my professional values. As an example, I value ensuring and developing my leadership skills. Once Values are agreed upon by the leadership team, decision-making on activities comes easier and when faced with difficult decisions they are navigated by what the values dictate as the higher level of choices.

Presenting and reminding of the Company values is ideal at the Management Reviews and any other important all Company meetings. Have you ever thought that by determining the values of the company that they may actually increase the branding? A strong brand illustrates the perceived competitive strength, compared to competitors amongst stakeholders per ISO 20671 Brand Evaluation. Here is the definition ISO gives for Values: Principles and/or thinking patterns intended to play a role in shaping the organization’s culture and to determine what is important to the organization, in support of the mission and vision; ex. Integrity, Excellence and Innovation.

In summary, Overall, ISO Certified companies choose as a value continuous improvement and the highest level of service. Increasing the use of the ISO Standards throughout the company will very much increase the value of the company. Determining the values of the company is a responsibility of the Leadership. See our Leadership Consulting Worksheet to assess where your company stands.

Company Values

“Definition of Values” Principles and/or thinking patterns intended to play a role in shaping the organization’s culture and to determine what is important to the organization, in support of the mission and vision; ex. Integrity, Excellence and Innovation.

Leadership with Values Worksheet

Measure how your company stands in the status of developing the Values Download Here

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